Wednesday, December 28, 2011

1 Month, $0 Budget Challenge

With month after month passing and the budget only getting more stretched--although I don't know how that's even possible--I figure this is a difficult but timely challenge.  After all, what could be more challenging than making ends meet on an income that already doesn't even cover basic bills and needs?  The biggest struggle may be celebrating our son's 10th birthday in style, but then that's the point of this challenge, right?  Spend money only on what you can literally not live without.  We've just celebrated a frugal Christmas.  Why not extend that to the upcoming birthdays?

See Stephanie at Full of Great Ideas for original post.

Full of Great Ideas: My 1 Month, $0 Budget challenge (V2.0) starting Ja...

Full of Great Ideas: My 1 Month, $0 Budget challenge (V2.0) starting Ja...: As you know, last March my husband and I made a decision to not spend any money on non-essential items. As I said then, March became our 'sp...

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Happier Children

I find myself wondering if I've lost my opportunity to positively impact my children by my own "opinions" (aka venting).  But here's an interesting read:  31 Days to Happier Children.  And even though I've only just begun this journey, one thing I know from watching my kids:  because their attitudes often mirror my own, the transformation will take place by my modeling!  So the count down begins.  I'm starting Day 1.